[Avodah] What Will be with Simchas Torah?

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 03:12:16 PDT 2020

Several posters referenced the Rama, which R"n Chana Luntz translated as:

> The last day of Yom Tov is called Simchat Torah because they
> rejoice and make on it a festive meal for the completion of
> the Torah

Is this "completion of the Torah" necessarily referring to the public
laining in shul each Shabbos morning? Can it possibly refer just as well to
our private learning of the parshios, such as those who learned the parsha
each week by reading it themselves from a chumash while the shuls were

Granted that such learning was not an actual chiyuv, but by taking the time
and effort to actually mouth every single word myself (rather than just
listen to the kriah and let my mind dwell on this pasuk and that pasuk), I
feel that my learning of Chumash this year was considerably better than in
years past, and I'll have no problem celebrating that, to whatever extent
our rav allows.

Akiva Miller
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