[Avodah] uncovered hair in home in front of relatives.

mcohen at touchlogic.com mcohen at touchlogic.com
Thu Aug 20 17:04:40 PDT 2020

Thank you for your comments

RCL wrote... Note specifically *but we have not heard that there are any
modest like this, and even in the earlier generations*.  A reasonably
translation of this is surely: neither Rav Moshe's wife, nor his mother did

True; although I would like to hear what the Feinstein children testify
about their mothers hanhaga..

RCL wrote... Answer: It is permissible to uncover your hair in your own home
in the presence of your father, husband and son.

R moshe as quoted only mentions husband/children.
Where/how do we expand this to her brother?
if it was bc of the simple pshat of the Mishna & gemora in Ketubos, then
everyone should be ok inside (not just brother/family)

and if the heter is based on inside - is uncovered hair allowed when
swimming w husband/children alone (but outside)?
(it is illogical to suggest that there is a continual obligation to cover
her hair outside, even when a permissible situation such as alone or only
with other women)


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