[Avodah] Birchas HaShachar

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Tue Jun 9 16:40:19 PDT 2020

On 8/6/20 4:31 pm, allan.engel--- via Avodah wrote:

>  Micha Berger wrote:

>>  and each berakhah is said "when you do X, say Y".

 > And that is how the Rambam paskens.
 > A nafka mina being, how can we say Shelo Asani Aved today?

Why not?  How is today different?  We could have been born at any time, 
and in any place.  Should we not be just as grateful today for not 
having been born avadim as we would have been if we had some avadim to 
compare ourselves to?

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone a *healthy* and happy summer
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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