[Avodah] Gloves at the seder

mgluck at gmail.com mgluck at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 21:45:27 PDT 2020

R' AM: > Or maybe the bracha is more important, and should not be dismissed
> quickly. If so, he should make sure to eat some matza at some point
> *without* the gloves, to justify the Al Netilas Yadayim...
R' MB:
I think it's more difficult than that.

He would have to take off the gloves before Rachtzah and have them of long
enough to necessitate a 2nd netilas yadayim. If his hands are definitely
still tahor from the first washing, how could he make a berakhah on the 2nd?

IIRC, the Maharshal (I think!), in his Teshuvos, asks why we wash for
Urchatz - we just came home and our hands are tahor. IIRC, he answers that
it's k'dai she'yishalu hatinokos. So just saying that the first washing
doesn't make him tahor either, according to that. 


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