[Avodah] Heseibah, Halachah and Science

Rich, Joel JRich at sibson.com
Wed Apr 17 15:11:20 PDT 2019

> Another teshuvah by R' Asher Weiss. I'm sharing it for the metahalakhah
> implications. Must heseibah be on the left even now that we know there
> is no greater risk of choking by reclining on the right? Can't you
> cut us lefties some slack and free up our dominant

It certainly is an interesting approach. I love the line of attack maybe
that heseiba Itself is vestigial in nature Since it reflects a practice
of a society long gone. This argument has been bad for doing away with
it all together but has never been accepted

I know that the Shulchan Aruch in oc 192 uses the language of msubin
when speaking of a group that has to do zimun. I'm pretty sure we don't
require actual leaning today for that purpose.

Joel rich

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