[Avodah] Heseibah, Halachah and Science

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Apr 17 14:08:54 PDT 2019

Another teshuvah by R' Asher Weiss. I'm sharing it for the metahalakhah
implications. Must heseibah be on the left even now that we know there
is no greater risk of choking by reclining on the right? Can't you
cut us lefties some slack and free up our dominant arm?


Tir'u baTov!

Tvunah in English
Beit Midrash for Birurei Halachah Binyan Zion
Under the Leadership of Maran HaRav Asher Weiss Shlita
For the Zechut of R' Zion Hilu

Pesach- hesebah
Posted by: Rabbi Akiva Dershowitz In: The Jewish Calendar, [Kelali]

   Likvod Harav Shlit"a,

   Seeing as we know that the understanding of some Rishonim that eating
   while leaning on the right is dangerous was based on a mistaken
   understanding of the location of the windpipe and foodpipe (kaneh and
   veshet), and we are therefore forced to explain that the sakanah was
   only said in regard to one lying on his back (as per Rashi Pesachim
   108, and contra Rashbam) should a "lefty" lean to his right (the more
   natural position)?


   No, even a lefty should lean on his left side. The Mishna Brura brings
   an opinion [472 Shaar Hatziyon 13] that even a lefty who leans on
   his right may not fulfill his obligation, even bdieved.

   When Chazal rendered a halachic ruling they were intended to do so with
   their understanding of nature, biology and the physical world. Their
   rulings then become part of Torah Shbal Peh. This was the intent
   of Hashem when giving over the ability to make halachic rulings to
   Chazal. This was never intended to line up with scientific knowledge.
   Scientific knowledge by its very nature is dynamic, constantly changing
   with new discoveries and advances. Torah is the ultimate unchanging
   mesorah, so once Chazal established the halcha it doesn't change
   based on scientific knowledge which is a totally different wisdom
   and set of rules.

   This principal idea is the key to understanding the general question
   of Torah and Science.

   A an aside, even from the scientific side of things, we only accept
   proof after experimenting and proving, ie. the scientific process. To
   the best of my knowledge no study or survey was ever done to prove that
   leaning on the right is just as safe as leaning on the left. While
   we don't see a reason for there to be a difference, this would be
   our unproven theory, well based and logical as it is.

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