[Avodah] boruch shaim kavod malchuso lolam vaaed in shma
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri Dec 21 07:10:48 PST 2018
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 09:48:04AM -0500, mcohen--- via Avodah wrote:
: R jaeger in guidelines says - shaim here means revelation, and boruch means
: increase.
: but the correct translation is - May the revelation of the glory of his
: kingdom be increased forever.
I am vague enough on the translation of the English word "blessed" that
translating "barukh" for "blessed" is trading one unknown for a bigger
As for my own kavanah (when I stop to have one):
May the public perception (or: reputation)
of the significance (or: importance)
of His rule-by-public-acclimation
be increased eternally without stop.
Sheim is name, which would be how others perceive something. Hashem's
sheim is thus how He seems to people, which could be reputation and/or
Kavod shares spelling with kaveid, heaviness. (We'll discuss livers some
other time.) And thus we give honor to significant "weighty" matters.
Like massive things, we don't trivially push them around. And so I think
of kavod as honor more in terms of significant and important than glory.
Ein melekh belo am -- unlike a mosheil, what makes a melekh a melekh
is the acceptance of the governed. The Gra has a whole piece on Melekh
vs Mosheil and "umosheil bagoyim", until the day when "vehayah Hashem
leMelekh". "Malkhusekha malkhus kol olamim umemshaletekha bekhol dor
Notice in that last pasuq, malkhus is framed in terms of "kol olamim",
and here it's "le'olam va'ed".
Le'olam -- for as long as there's an olam.
Va'ad -- note the shoresh of "ad", until the missing end.
There is another kind of Eternity. Hashem Himself is lemaalah min hazman.
Not eternal in the sense of existing for an infinite amount of time, but
in the sense that the concept of time doesn't apply. However, His Sheim
is a product of us relating to Him, and thus within time -- as long as
there is an "am" for Hashem to be Melekh of.
Micha Berger The purely righteous do not complain about evil,
micha at aishdas.org but add justice, don't complain about heresy,
http://www.aishdas.org but add faith, don't complain about ignorance,
Fax: (270) 514-1507 but add wisdom. - R AY Kook, Arpelei Tohar
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