[Avodah] Baptized Jews and the Law Of Return

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 07:51:20 PDT 2018

<< RAL offers three different approaches to resolution. He ends up siding
#3, that the convert in Yevamos is someone who reverts to the rituals of
his old religion. But someone who goes beyond that to give up their
Jewish identity would indeed not be Jews. >>

RAL is the most persuasive essentially after several generations. It is
hard to believe that someone who converted to Xtianity in the middle ages
would have descendants who are Jewish through the mothers when all
connection to the Jewish world is lost. I once read that there are 80
million descendants today from the Jews in Spain that left Judaism. While
we only count those through the maternal side this would still give a lot
of "halachic" Jews for people who might be strong anti-semites today.

Eli Turkel
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