[Avodah] Baptized Jews and the Law Of Return
rabbi at opengemara.org
Mon Oct 22 02:45:07 PDT 2018
On October 21, 2018 4:38:17 PM PDT, Micha Berger wrote:
> You should see R' Aharon Lichtenstein...
> http://books.google.com/books?id=_QshqTu9nGIC&lpg=PA363&pg=PA57#v=onepage
> We think in terms of Yevamos 47b, that a geir who *later* reverts to
> practicing his old religion is stil a Jew, and if he gets married the
> qiddushin are chal.
> But in Yevamos 16b, after R Asi is chosheish that a marriage to a
> non-Jew might be a marriage to someone from one of the 10 shevatim,
> Shemu'el responds that the 10 shevatim aren't Yisrael anymore. Invoking
> Hoacheia 17a.
> Chullin 6a invokes parallel reasoning to excluding the Kusim ...
I didn't learn that sugya in a while, but I was under the impression
that it's a machlokes Rishonim how to learn the Aseres Hashevatim (I
think it's the Meiri there).
Some learn that they were a horaas shaah. Others learn like you wrote,
that one who is a min is considered completely not a Jew. The thing is
that the Halacha doesn't follow those Rishonim, as we're still Choshesh
for the Kiddushin of a Min (who does give up their Jewish identity).
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