[Avodah] Longevity of Minhag haMakom

Rabbi rabbi at opengemara.org
Wed Oct 3 21:54:40 PDT 2018

On October 3, 2018 3:32:20 PM PDT, Micha Berger via Avodah <avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:
>ROY believes that if an Ashkenazi makes aliyah, they really ought to
>switch to Minhagei Sepharad. On the grounds that the SA set minhag EY.
>He does later find heterimg for Ashkenazim to continue with their old
>minhagim, but he does believe it's just that, a heter, and if an Ashkenazi
>Israeli wished to switch, by all means they should do so.

What does he hold about Sefardim moving to France or Germany (which had
a continuity - Germany going back well, at least a thousand years and
France, while it had a break, did have a religious Ashkenazi community
before and after the war).

On October 3, 2018 3:54:51 PM PDT, Zev Sero via Avodah <avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:
>o                          Here the issue is much simpler, because when
>Jews moved back to EY there was no local community, and thus no local 
>minhag.   That's why I cited the example of the S-P Jews settling in 
>England in the 17th century, and not that of the Ashkenazim who followed 
>them.  Whether or not the Ashkenazim should have adopted S-P minhagim, 
>there's no question that the S-P were not required and had no reason to
>adopt the (presumably French) minhagim of the medieval community.

When was there no Jewish community in Israel? I was under the impression
that while the Sanhedrin ceased, and Yeshivas presumably ceased, there
was always a Jewish community there. Especially by the early Gaonim,
Israel was no longer under Roman rule anyways.

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