[Avodah] kaddish yatom by non-mourner

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu Sep 20 11:00:36 PDT 2018

On 20/09/18 03:20, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> The Rama in O”C 132:2 states that the “kaddish yatom” (mourners’ 
> kaddish)after aleinu must be said even if there is no yatom in the Shul. 
> He adds that it may even be said by one who has live parents if they 
> aren’t makpid (finicky?) about it. Question: If the parents went to 
> their Rav, would he answer the question should they be finicky about it? 
> If he would, what would his answer be?

I don't think "finicky" is the correct translation.  "Lehakpid" means to 
be upset, to take offense.  Because this kaddish is associated with 
yetomim, to the point where we actually call it the "kaddish yatom", 
it's natural for parents to feel hurt at the thought of their child 
saying it.  Whether they should feel that way is not a halachic 
question, so it would never occur to anyone to ask it of a rav; nor 
would he have any halachic basis for answering it.  He ought to advise 
them to go to either a (Jewish and frum) counsellor or to a rebbe, 
depending on what kind of people they are.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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