[Avodah] Who is an considered an am ha'aretz

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Sep 5 07:30:07 PDT 2018

On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 08:51:46AM -0400, Prof. Levine wrote:
:>:> Judaism without Torah is "just another religion," and is not in consonance
:>:> with the will of G-d. Ritual is common to all religions; the unique
:>:> quality of Yiddishkeit is the special relationship with Hashem that a
:>:> Jew achieves only through Torah study.

:> It would appear that R Schwab does not take "Judaism is not a religion" as
:> literally as you do. After all, he describes it here as a religion, if
:> one with a unique quality.

: You have reached an incorrect conclusion regarding Rav Schwab's
: views  regarding RSRH's brilliant assertion that Judaism is not a
: religion,  which, by the way, Rav Hirsch makes in a number of places
: in his writings.

I didn't deny RSRH writing as much. What I argued was that he was using
religion in a technical sense to make a point. For example RSRH wasn't
denying that Yahadus includes revealed teachings about how to be good
and have a positive relationship with deity.

Merriam-Webster, "religious" (1): "relating to or manifesting faithful
devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity". And "religion"
(1): "the state of a religious", "b (1) : the service and worship of
God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith
or observance".

Are you really arguing that Yahadus isn't identifiable with avodas Hashem?

I think RSRH was playing True Scottsman games with the word religion
when he crafted that aphorism. There are thinkers in every religion
claim their belief system is uniquely a lifestyle in a way that other
religions are just religions.

I took it along the same lines as Mensch-Israel, that calling Judaism
a "religion", is like when I write about how Yahadus can't be reduced
to frumkeit.

: The sefer Rav Schwab on Chumash was written by one of his son's ,
: Rabbi Myer J. Schwab....

Who, I presume, is a greater authority on his father's and on RSRH's
beliefs than either of us. Why should I take for granted your overly
literal reading of RSRH (which doesn't fit context in RSRH's writings),
over his?

: Furthermore,  I could assert logically that the statement Judaism
: without Torah is just another religion does not imply that Judaism
: with Torah is a religion!

Well, from those words, Judaism + Torah would be religion-plus.

: I am certain that Rav Schwab agreed totally with RSRH's brilliant
: insight that Judaism is not a religion.

I am sure he did. I just don't think it means what you've repeatedly
insisted it did. As I described above, denying the religious nature of
Yahadus denies basic features of what it is.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             One who kills his inclination is as though he
micha at aishdas.org        brought an offering. But to bring an offering,
http://www.aishdas.org   you must know where to slaughter and what
Fax: (270) 514-1507      parts to offer.        - R' Simcha Zissel Ziv

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