[Avodah] Not Eating Gebrochts is a Distortion of Halacha and our Traditions

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Mar 30 01:05:02 PDT 2018

On 29/03/18 19:57, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote:
> It is claimed that Gebrochts is FOUNDED in the Teshuvos of important Poskim
> this is untrue [it is however, found there, perhaps they meant to say 
> foundered]

It is founded in the Alter Rebbe's teshuvah.  That is why chassidim 
universally adopted this chumra while most others didn't.

> their recommendations were for a particular problem - as was clearly 
> explained earlier - of Matza meal made from soft Matza that was 
> notoriously under-baked, and as R Micha pointed out, was not a problem 
> created when the Matza and water were combined during Pesach
> but was an unacceptably high risk of already being Chametz

That is *not* what he writes in the teshuvah.  He writes that it's a 
problem that only arose about 20 years earlier, due to the innovation of 
making the matzos quickly and not spending time kneading thoroughly. 
An innovation he completely endorses, but says it has one unintended 
negative consequence, which al pi din is too slight to worry about, but 
because of the extra caution of Pesach one should.  He is *not* talking 
about special matzos but about the normal ones that are for eating, and 
he's *not* worried that they may already be chometz.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 2018 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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