[Avodah] Not Eating Gebrochts is a Distortion of Halacha and our Traditions

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi meirabi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 16:57:44 PDT 2018

An adopted stringency mistakenly believed to be the opinion of ones Rabbi,
does not require Hataras Neder (Reb Moshe's Piskei Halacha, Rishumei Aharon
by Yair Hoffman p.60)

from the archives -

>From R/Prof Y Levine:
A friend of mine who did not eat gebrokts and who was a close talmud of Rav
Tuvia Goldstein , Z"L, a well-know halachic expert here in the US, asked
Reb Tuvia about changing this and eating gebrokts. Reb Tuvia replied,
"Mutar Loch, Mutar Loch, Mutar Loch." and that was it!

And quoting
http://torasaba.blogspot.com/2015/03/of-gebrokts-and-kitniyos.html he wrote:
The Sefer Ashrei Haish quotes Rav Elyashuv zt"l who says that one who has
the Minhag of not eating Gebrokts may change his Minhag to eating Gebrokts.
It is preferable to make Hatoros Nedarim but not necessary. One may rely on
the Hataras Nedarim made on Erev Rosh Hashana.

Reb Elyashuv holds the original Chumra of Gebrokts started when Matzohs
were thick
= = = = = =

It is claimed that Gebrochts is FOUNDED in the Teshuvos of important Poskim
this is untrue [it is however, found there, perhaps they meant to say
their recommendations were for a particular problem - as was clearly
explained earlier - of Matza meal made from soft Matza that was notoriously
under-baked, and as R Micha pointed out, was not a problem created when the
Matza and water were combined during Pesach
but was an unacceptably high risk of already being Chametz

That problem was corrected
and Matza Balls were welcomed back even by those who chose not to eat foods
made with suspect Matza meal

If there is a vestige of this today, it is not adding matza to soup or
it wold be with eating Matza meal cake

Suggesting that Gebrochts is in some way similar to Kitniyos, the ban on
egg matzah, and eating or not eating machine matzos
is the disingenuous fantasy of those who wish to preserve the practice at
any cost MHKBHBlessThem


Meir G. Rabi

0423 207 837
+61 423 207 837
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