[Avodah] “the miracle of judging by smell” was (Re: R. Akiva, Bar Kochba and Zecharya HaNovi)

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Oct 23 13:16:56 PDT 2017

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 02:25:10AM -0400, hankman via Avodah wrote:
:                                                           . Furthermore,
: in the category of cases like moreid and shehasho'o tzricha, all the
: Melech needs to do is simply assert his position as he feels correct
: for ANY Melech -- he does not even need the power of moreiach veda'in to
: prove his position. So mimonafshoch, in either case he either may not,
: or has no need of the power to be moreiach veda'in.

If I understood the Rambam this way:
It would be good to have a king who knows with certainty which dinim
need shoring up because he can smell that their violation is rampant.

Or, in determining the convicted's guilt:
Let's say some sin became common place, and hasha'ah zerikhah that the
king enforce a capital punishment for it.

But say I understand him as per REMT's post, noting that in 3:10 the
Rambam singles out the king's power to kill murderers (eg without
hasda'ah, where there was only eid echad, etc...) -- implying that
retzichah yes, other issurim, the king could not. (Mikelal lav...)
3:8 really only discussed rebellion and lesse majeste (moreid bemekeh
and mevazeh es hamelekh o hamchorfo). I don't see hasha'ah tzeikhah in
the Rambam; I'm taking your word for it. Still, I can ask the parallel

Wouldn't if be far far better if the melekh hamashiach had a supernal
ability to know who is really guilty, and not kill the wrong guy?

He might not legally need the power, but it would be a good thing for a
king to have in order to be effective and fair.

So I'm not sure your argument holds.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Every child comes with the message
micha at aishdas.org        that God is not yet discouraged with
http://www.aishdas.org   humanity.
Fax: (270) 514-1507                   - Rabindranath Tagore

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