[Avodah] “the miracle of judging by smell” was (Re: R. Akiva, Bar Kochba and Zecharya HaNovi)

hankman hankman at bell.net
Sun Oct 22 23:25:10 PDT 2017

R. Zev Sero wrote:
“Moshiach is a melech, and not bound by the rules of a beis din.”

You are obviously referring to Rambam, Melachim P. 3: 8, 10. However this refers to judgments that are within the scope of the Melech such as a moreid, or letakein  ha’olom kefi ma shehasho’o tzricha. This does not however give him the right to usurp ordinary judgments that normally would fall to a beis din (and disregard such niceties as eidus that the Torah requires), unless he is the av beis din (possible for malchei beis Dovid) and does follow the rules of Torah for eidus like any other beis din and does not simply follow his nose in these judgments. Furthermore, in the category of cases like moreid and shehasho’o tzricha, all the Melech needs to do is simply assert his position as he feels correct for ANY Melech – he does not even need the power of moreiach veda’in to prove his position. So mimonafshoch, in either case he either may not, or has no need of the power to be moreiach veda’in.

Kol tuv
Chaim Manaster
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