[Avodah] Machlokes in Mishnayos, why?

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Sep 10 10:02:44 PDT 2017

On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 01:11:04PM +0300, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote:
:                                                     While there may have
: been disruptions there were certainly times when it did function and if so,
: why didn't they decide all of the machlokes that had arisen like the Rambam
: says?

Well, I know (and have mentioned here in the past) that at least one
variety of opinion existed from archeological evidence. Yigal Yadin,
when first uncovering the Hasmonean Caves, found tefillin there. So, we
know that among those who fought with the Chashmonaim, there were both
"Rashi" and "Rabbeinu Tam" tefillin.

(Similarly, why didn't the Ephramites learn to say the letter shin as
per the majority pesaq? How were they yotz'im saying "Shema" without
such practice? Seems they had their own variant position.)

So, what happened?

My theory is that not every case of different posqim reaching different
conclusions rose to the level of being called a machloqes that needed
resolution by higher courts.

IOW, not every plurality is a machloqes.

To me the question is more: When are we okay living with a variety of
valid alternatives, and when it's a machloqes that requires final pesaq?

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Every second is a totally new world,
micha at aishdas.org        and no moment is like any other.
http://www.aishdas.org           - Rabbi Chaim Vital
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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