[Avodah] Tahor App

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri May 12 08:37:05 PDT 2017


From: Micha Berger via Avodah  avodah at lists.aishdas.org

Someone mentioned tahorapp.com  on-line, so I took a look at their web site.
To quote:
> Keeping  Tradition &
> Keeping Your Privacy

> Rabbinically Approved!  Anonymously send pictures of your Taharas
> Hamishpacha questions to a Rav  right from your own home. Receive answers
> quickly and privately.  Download Tahor App For Free!

I then thought of "The Dress"  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress>,
a picture of a  black-and-blue dress that floated around the internet that
many of us  perceived as white-and-gold......

.....So, given that people guess at the  background lighting when they see a
picture and then subconsciously correct  for it (see explanation on
wikipedia page), how could a rav rely on a Tahor  App image?

Micha  Berger              
micha at aishdas.org      

According to wiki the human eye can distinguish about ten million different 
 colors.  Other sources say "only" seven million.  (Not relevant here  but 
interesting:  Some birds, some fish, some reptiles, even some  insects, like 
bees, can see colors we can't see.)
A computer screen can display about 33,000 different colors -- only a  
small fraction of the number of shades in nature that the human eye can  see.
The takeaway -- to my mind -- is that the tahor app probably can't be  
relied on.  The rav needs to see the actual color, not on a screen.

--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com




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