[Avodah] Totafos vs. tefillin

Ben Bradley via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Feb 22 02:16:26 PST 2017

Because the gemara chooses uses to the aramaic presumably. As the gemara simialrly often uses a different to the lashon of the Torah shebichsav. Eg Rosh Hashana for yom hazikaron, chag for succos, atzeres for shavuos etc

Why the gemara itself prefers the term tefillin is another question

In the parasha 2 weeks ago, Shmos 13:16 uses the word [totafos].
Onkelos translates it as [tefillin].
Any idea why we use the term [tefillin] as opposed to [totafos]?

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