[Avodah] Totafos vs. tefillin

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Feb 21 22:15:45 PST 2017


From: Ben Rothke via Avodah  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

In the parasha 2 weeks ago, Shmos 13:16  uses the word [totafos].
Onkelos translates it as [tefillin].
Any idea why  we use the term [tefillin] as opposed to [totafos]?

My impression is that totafos are the boxes -- the batim.   Tefillin are 
the boxes and the straps together.  I base this on Rashi  who indicates 
(somewhat strangely) that "totafos" isn't even a Hebrew word  but a portmanteau 
word combining the Caspi word for "two" with the Afriki word  for "two."  This 
suggests, as I said, that the totafos are the  four-chambered boxes.  It's 
true that Targum translates "totafos" as  "tefillin" but my understanding is 
that he isn't being precise in translating  the word exactly but is telling 
you in context what the word  means.  There are many places where Onkelos 
gives an explanation or  paraphrase rather than a literal translation.

--Toby  Katz
t613k at aol.com


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