[Avodah] Tichleh Regel Min Hashuk

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Jan 6 10:49:16 PST 2017

On Fri, Jan 06, 2017 at 07:49:45AM -0500, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
: Suppose I had some sort of system by which the neros are lit after tzeis
: and the Jews are already home, but there are still plenty of non-Jews in
: the streets...

Isn't this the aforementioned machloqes between the Rif and Rashi (at
least as most contemporary gedolim understand Rashi)? If the gemara's
mention is of Jews doing a job that runs late (or as per RMShternbuch,
the Jewish customers of a non-Jew) there is no indication that there is
pirsumei nisa to non-Jews.

But if we follow Rashi, that the gemara is talking about a non-Jewish
ethnicity "Tamuda'im", then yes, there is pirsumei nisa to non-Jews.

Given the ethnicities of the Rishonim involved, I think that an
Ashkenazi who isn't a talmid of RMS can light as long as there are
non-Jews about.

RMS is definitely trying to avoid that conclusion. His point is
to conclude that everyone holds PN is only in front of Jews.

But the Rif really just defuses this case as a ra'ayah there there is
pirsumei nisa when the audience isn't Jewish. He could still hold that
there is PN to non-Jews, but defines tamuda'im as people doing a job
rather than specifically a non-Jewish group for another reason.

Micha Berger             You want to know how to paint a perfect
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