[Avodah] Going to a Hotel for Shabbos/Yomtov

Ben Waxman via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Jan 30 09:06:28 PST 2017

There is an additional point here: How exactly is someone expected to 
get reliable information? Meaning, a person obtains a phone number of 
someone who he knows not, calls him, asks him all sorts of questions and 
is expected to believe him? Even if the guy sounds like he knows what he 
is talking about, he is still a total stranger.

Why assume that an individual has better information than the kashrut 
agency involved? In theory, he could tell you that the hotel doesn't use 
Gush Katif vegetables (FYI: that term has become generic and has lost 
much of its meaning). But if he were to say "Yes, we use Hasalat" why 
would you believe him (unless you plan on going into the kitchen and 
checking it out yourself)?

Conclusion: Find out who is giving the heksher and if it is good enough, 
go enjoy yourself without a second thought.

On 1/30/2017 8:55 AM, via Avodah wrote:
> A guest in a hotel only needs to know one thing:  who gives the 
> hechsher?   If the hechsher is one that cannot be relied on to be 
> careful about tevilas keilim, about bishul akum, or about checking for 
> bugs, then the hechsher cannot be relied on, period.

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