[Avodah] Questions about Krias Ha Torah

Isaac Balbin via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Nov 10 04:01:35 PST 2016

Prof Levine:
> On 10 Nov. 2016, at 9:57 pm, via Avodah <avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:
> Are we to deduce the same for other practices,  namely,  that there 
> was no single standard? If so,  then the Yahadus we have today is a 
> far cry from what it was originally.  People did many different 
> things.  For example,  the format of tefillah was established by the 
> Anshe Knesses Ha Gedola.   Before this occurred,  presumably people 
> had widely different versions of, say, shemone esrei.  If so,  then 
> why is there so much emphasis in Judaism today regarding doing 
> mitzvas in a very precise and prescribed manner?

Why does change worry you? Mixing Fish and Milk is the Science of the Tannoim but it is wrong today. 
What hasn’t changed is that we must use the best science of our time e.g. in health matters.
We just can’t annul the old concern for technical reasons.
It might become Ossur to use any plastic in a micro wave. Does that bother anyone? Not me, if they find it’s bad for your health.

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