[Avodah] Practice During the First and Second Bais Hamikdash (was Questions about Krias Ha Torah)

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Nov 10 04:47:11 PST 2016

R' Micha Berger wrote:

> It wasn't a machloqes until someone decides that one ordering was
> preferred, and someone else decides that a different one was.
> When there are a variety of equally good ways to implement the
> desiratum in Menachos 34b-35a that is a plurality, a range of
> ways to do something, not a dispute.

R' Yitzchok Levine asked:

> Are you asserting that Torah shel Baal Peh was not given with
> precision and definitiveness?  If so,  then this is a chidash to me.

One could write an entire book on this, and in fact, listmember Rabbi Zvi
Lampel did exactly that. I highly recommend his "The Dynamics Of Dispute -
The Makings of Machlokess in Talmudic Times", published by Judaica Press.

Akiva Miller
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