[Avodah] R' Nissim Karelitz's Beis Din: Kohanim cannot fly from Ben Gurion

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Oct 31 21:03:09 PDT 2016

R' Zev Sero wrote:

> Kohanim are not allowed within four amos of an unfenced grave, lest
> they step over it, but if there's a fence between them and the grave
> they can go right up to it.

Okay, I can understand that part.

> Thus a kohen may walk in a cemetery if he is carrying a fence around
> himself that separates him from the graves he passes between.

This is the part I don't get. What good does the fence do if he is carrying
it? How does a portable fence insure that he won't step over a grave?

A portable fence might be effective in establishing distinct reshuyos, but
it's not much good as a ma'akeh.

Akiva Miller
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