[Avodah] R' Nissim Karelitz's Beis Din: Kohanim cannot fly from Ben Gurion

Isaac Balbin via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Oct 31 13:16:00 PDT 2016

> Don't Lubavitcher kohanim go to the cemetery wearing some kind of a box?
> Why wouldn't being in an enclosed airplane be the same thing?  Not
> answering the question, just asking it.

> --Toby Katz

This is a also the issue. There is a complicated sugya about whether
an Ohel Zaruk (a moving tent) is considered a tent. It intersects with
the issue of a dead body in the underbelly of a plane while a cohen is
above. It also depends on whether there is requisite distance between a
coffin (in chutz looretz or on a plane). I have diagrams from the Posek of
El Al of how to put a coffin into another container. The Matzeiva is also
an issue and whether it forms a barrier. The composition of new metals
on the plane. I once learned all this and was convinced there were enough
mitigating tziruf of heterim. I needed to accompany a body that was being
reinterred in Israel and I'm a Cohen. Moro Vrabbi Rav Schachter did not
allow me bit was lenient if a cohen flies over graves. My memory just
recalled an absolutely brilliant response from rav Itzeleh volozhiner
where his logic seems impeccable to permit. I think I discussed it with
Rav Schachter who told me that in general Rav itzeleh's Psokim as good
as they were and wonderful to learn were not accepted. This was years
ago and my memory is flakey. I may have some emails where i discuss with
other Rabonim before asking for the Psak from Rav Hershel. In summary,
he allowed travel over, but not travel IN a plane if you know lechatchilla
there is a body on board. I hope I didnt misquote Rav Schachter!

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