[Avodah] Waterproof S'chach? Really?

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Oct 23 08:01:42 PDT 2016

R' Zev Sero wrote:

> PS My LOR pointed out that this should be posul even according to
> the Rosh, because the half-pipes in the bottom layer, which were
> sawn in half *for the purpose* of inserting the half-pipes of the
> top layer, are klei kibul and thus mekabel tum'ah.

I had always thought that the halacha made a distinction between two
different kinds of ladders: If the sides of the ladder have depressions
made into them, and the rungs are stuck into those depressions, then the
depressions are considered Beis Kibul (a container) and so the ladder is
mekabel tumah and pasul as s'chach. But if the sides have holes that go all
the way from one side to the other, and that's where the rungs are put,
then no part of the ladder is a container, even thouse the sides DO contain
the rungs, and it may be used as s'chach.

If I am correct on that, Beis Kibul is defined by being able to contain
*liquids*, and has nothing to do with usefulness, and a half-pipe is kosher
s'chach just like the second type of ladder.

Unfortunately, this distinction ought to made by someone on Orach Chaim
629:7, and I don't see it. Is it there and I don't see it, or am I mistaken?

(I do see that the end of MB 629:23 mentions a *third* type of ladder,
where the rungs are not inserted into any sort of holes at all, but are
nailed to the outside of the rails. But that does not help to clarify the
case of the half-pipes.)

Akiva Miller
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