[Avodah] Erev Shabbos Kugel

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Oct 20 06:16:17 PDT 2016

I know that there is a mitzvah to taste one's Shabbos food on erev Shabbos
afternoon. But I understand that the express purpose of this is for testing
the flavor, so that one can adjust the cooking or ingredients,  to make
sure that the food comes out as desired.

I have seen a new trend in recent years, in which people are making a
special kugel or cholent, specifically for erev Shabbos, and sharing it
with family and friends in the last half hour or hour before shul on Friday
evening. This would make sense to me, perhaps, if it were earlier in the
afternoon, in the summer when Shabbos will be beginning very late. It could
also be a good idea for guests who just arrived afyer a long and hungry
trip. But the idea of a scheduled snack specifically for enjoyment before
Shabbos seems to violate the whole issur against eating late Eruv Shabbos

Has anyone else seen this practice? Does anyone know what the origin of
this practice is, or the justification for it?

Akiva Miller
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