[Avodah] Using an oven for both fleishigs and milchigs

Simon Montagu via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Aug 29 04:43:04 PDT 2016

On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Rn T Katz via Avodah <
avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:

> In all the back-and-forth I have not seen anyone mention that the plate or
> bowl of food is not placed directly on the floor of the microwave, but on a
> glass tray.  Even if the walls and ceiling do not become hot, the glass
> tray becomes hot where the hot dish is sitting on it.  But it is easy
> enough to buy a spare glass tray at Target or Walmart.  Put some red nail
> polish on one glass tray and some blue nail polish on the other glass
> tray.  Whenever you warm something up in the microwave, be sure to use
> the glass tray of the appropriate gender.

Why go to such trouble? Glass is neither bolea` nor polet. I understand
that some people are mahmir not to use the same glassware for both meat and
milk, but this case (assuming non-parev food is never directly on the glass
plate) is like NTbNTbNTbNT, and hettera to boot, so it seems hardly
necessary to have separate glass plates.
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