[Avodah] Using an oven for both fleishigs and milchigs

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Aug 28 22:40:27 PDT 2016


From: Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
:  However, Rav Schachter said that
: there is reason to be lenient with regard  to kashering a conventional
: oven. In a conventional oven, the food is  always placed in pans and
: does not directly touch the surfaces of the oven.  

1- How often do people put food directly in the microwave without a  plate?

Micha  Berger              
micha at aishdas.org
In all the back-and-forth I have not seen anyone mention that the  plate or 
bowl of food is not placed directly on the floor of the microwave, but  on 
a glass tray.  Even if the walls and ceiling do not become hot, the  glass 
tray becomes hot where the hot dish is sitting on it.  But  it is easy enough 
to buy a spare glass tray at Target or  Walmart.  Put some red nail polish 
on one glass tray and some blue nail  polish on the other glass tray.  
Whenever you warm something up in the  microwave, be sure to use the glass tray 
of the appropriate  gender.  Also, cover the food with some plastic wrap or 
one of  those plastic covers that are made to be used in the microwave.  My  
microwave oven is spotless, nothing ever splashes or explodes in it.  If  
anything ever spills, it just spills onto the glass  tray.   

--Toby  Katz
t613k at aol.com


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