[Avodah] Birchas Kohanim

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 26 12:13:38 PDT 2016

Regarding the view that there is a mitzvah for a Yisrael to be blessed by a
kohen, R' Zev Sero asked:

<<< According to this opinion should we be saying a brachah? >>>

As I understand it, one of the rules of Birkas Hamitzva is that one does
not say thea bracha when he is dependent on someone else. Classic examples
are giving tzedaka or giving terumah, because if the recipient changes his
mind and refuses, it will be a bracha l'vatala. How much more so here,
where I am not even offering something to the kohen, but asking a favor
*from* him.

Similarly, I recently heard a similar rule, that we say the bracha only if
we will be doing the pe'ulah personally, such as by Hallel and Sefirah. But
we do not say the bracha ourselves if we are merely being yotzay on the
kiyum, such as by Shofar and Megilah. If there is indeed a mitzvah to be
blessed by the kohanim, it seems closer to the latter than the former.

Akiva Miller
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