[Avodah] Birchas Kohanim

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Jun 26 09:11:14 PDT 2016

On 06/26/2016 11:51 AM, elazar teitz wrote:
> In the cases of megilla and shofar, hearing is required; a deaf
> person is exempt, and one who is prevented from hearing because of
> noise is not yotze. For birkas kohanim, according to the Sefer
> Chareidim, I doubt that there is any requirement other than the
> blessee's presence and awareness that the bracha is being given.

Good distinction.  Even awareness is presumably not necessary, since we
bring babies to be blessed.  But is this distinction really relevant to
the question of whether to make a bracha?   Where do we see that a bracha
depends on a chiyuv to hear rather than merely to be present?

Further question: is a bracha said on attending hakhel?

Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

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