[Avodah] ohr lagoyim
Zev Sero via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Jun 7 13:39:00 PDT 2016
On 06/07/2016 04:19 PM, Micha Berger wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 06, 2016 at 04:39:33PM -0400, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote:
> :>So you see "ve'atim tihu Li mamlekhes kohanim..." as nevu'ah, not a
> :>tzivui?
> : 1) Yes, of *course* it's not a tzivuy; it's not even a nevuah. It's a
> : description of the deal being offered: if you listen to Me you will be
> : My segulah, a mamlechet kohanim and goy kadosh. That is clear pshat;
> : anything else is a nice drasha, but not relevant to halacha.
> Targum Yonasan
<nit-pick> You mean, of course, "Yonasan", i.e. a version of Targum
Yerushalmi that a printer mistakenly attributed to Yonasan. But of course
we all know that, I hope. I just expected to see the scare quotes.</nit-pick>
> ad loc "vekhehanin meshamshin" -- to be a kohein is inehrently to be
> called on to serve.
A kohen's shimush is the avodah in the BHMK, not anything else. It's
(1) a promise, not a tzivuy or a nevuah; and (2) has nothing to do with
"service" to anyone.
> Qedushah could be something you do, something done to you, or in many
> hashkafos, inherent. (R Meir Simchah haKohein miDvinsk argues against
> this last one in both the MC and the OS. Vehemently; likening belief in
> inherent qedushah to cheit ha'eigel.) But kehunah? I think it's a job
> by definition.
*If* it's a job, it's a job of avodah BHMK, and the pasuk is promising
that if you do as I tell you then I will award you this prestigious job.
But Rashi says the *pshat* here is not a job at all, but a status. He
has to say that, because al pi pshat non-bechorim were *never* intended
to be kohanim meshamshim.
Zev Sero Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name meaning merely by appending them to the two other
words `God can'. Nonsense remains nonsense, even
when we talk it about God. -- C S Lewis
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