[Avodah] how to 'fix' a mamzer

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon May 16 13:37:57 PDT 2016


> True, a woman who's a convert can't marry a kohen so  his daughters 
> won't be able to marry kohanim.  But at least his  children won't be 
> challalim, so they can marry most Jews, and the  /children/ of converts 
> can marry anyone, so his grandchildren can  marry anyone.[--old TK]

AFAIK a challal can marry a regular Jewish girl. He is forbidden from  
other things like truma. OTOH he has no issur of  tumah.

ben1456 at zahav.net.il 
But I think the son of a challal is a challal, and his son, and his son,  
forever.  And the daughter of a challal cannot marry a kohen. So his  
granddaughter (son of his son), his great-granddaughter and so on, can never  marry 
kohanim -- at least until so many generations have passed that no one  
remembers the family are challalim.  Whereas if he has a son with a  non-Jewish 
woman that son is not a challal.  He's also not a Jew, but he  can become 
one.  And the daughter of a ger can marry a kohen.

--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com



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