[Avodah] cooking kitniyot in a peasdik pot

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon May 16 15:02:14 PDT 2016

I feil to see the problem.

Nosein ta'am and bitul beshishim go hand-in-hand. RMF yses this argument
in a letter to R' Pinechas Teitz to explain why whiskey can be made
in sherry casks; since stam yeinam is batel in only 1:6, there is no
problem of ta'am. You would obviously tased a mixture of 6 parts water
to one part wine. Since qitniyos are batel berov, why would there be
reason to say that a pot can becomes "peasdik"? (To quote a subject
line from a month ago.) Are we afraid that the volume of the walls of
the pot exceed the volume the pot holds?

Tir'u baTov!

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