[Avodah] What Do French Jews Do On Shabbath?

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Feb 29 13:18:13 PST 2016

R'JF Shachter wrote:
> Thus it was not even technically amira l'nokhri
> -- although I am grateful to R' Arie Folger for giving me the psaq din
> (later in v34n20, not quoted above) that amira l'nokhri would be
> permitted

I'd like to explain my reasoning: amira le'aqum may be permitted,
especially when you do the amira before Shabbat, rather than on Shabbat,
bemmaqom mitsva and bemmakom tzaar. Not being able to get home is
considered to be a great source of tzaar, especially when you need to go to
sleep. A major violation of 'oneg Shabbat. And being stuck in a Parisian
apartment, which is usually smaller than, say, an apartment in Grenoble, is
like sitting Shiva on Shabbat, and of course you miss minyan.

Poskim I had consulted with in the past ruled that these are indeed
situations permitting amira le'akum. Preferably always by asking ahead of

> Respectfully, you are not in France, and I am.

Actually, I do live in France, even though the congregations I serve are in

And I have seen already many years the problems you describe. One of the
problems is that courts have not been friendly. The judiciary in France is
having a lot of trouble wrapping its heads around the idea that Shabbat is
sacrosanct. So tenants and even home owners have lost court cases against
building managements.

Kol tuv,
Arie Folger,
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