[Avodah] Briskers not wearing Tzitzis outside on shabbos

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 23 03:06:35 PDT 2015

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 08:46:08PM +0000, Harry Maryles via Avodah wrote:
: The reason that Briskers don't where Tzitzes on Shabbos is because they
: are Choshesh for the Shita of the Baal HaMeor who says that Techiels is
: Me'akev the Lavan.
: As such -- by wearing these now unnecessary 'strings' in Reshus Harabim
: they will be Oveir the Lav of Hotza'ah on Shabbos...

In the opening post, I referred to the BhM's reason. Since there appears
to be interest, I will spell it out.

The mishnah (Menachos 4:1, 38a) says that techeiles is not me'aqeves
the lavan, and v.v. Seems kind of open and shut, and that's what we
hold lehalakhah.

And so R' Yitzchaq says that R Yochanan ben Nuri says (beraisa , quoted
on 39b) that if you have no tekheiles, you make all strings lavan. But,
Rebbe is choleiq, and says the mishnah means sequence. Normally the
lavan strings have to be put on first, or on a tekheiles garment, the
tekheiles string first. And the mishnah is saying that if you put on
the other color first, it's not me'aqeiv. According to Rebbe, though,
you can't be yotzei without putting on tekheiles altogether.

Getting to this understanding of the mishnah is an amud lonq chaqla
vetarya in which Levi, Shemu'el and Rami bar Chama defend Rebbe's

: Interestingly, according to the Baal HaMeor, wearing a Beged of Daled
: Kanfos using Tzitzs without Techiles is a violation -- same as if he
: were wearing it without Tzitzis at all.

Not really. It's an asei, not a lav. So, if tekheiles truly is
unavailable, why wouldn't it be mutar, if pointless?

However, if you feel there is any possibility whatsoever that the murex
derived dye is indeed tekheiles, safeiq de'oraisa lechumerah would
force one to choose between not wearing tzitzis and wearing the dye.
And there are those who hold it's garua to wear invalid dye, so combine
the shitos right, and the discovery of a possible tekheiles would
make it better not to wear tzitzis.

IF we held like the BhM. But not even Briskers do, me'iqar hadin --
they are merely chosheish for his position as a chumerah.

: I'm told that the Gra did not wear a woolen Beged for his Talis Katan
: for that reason. Because wool has a Chiuv D'Oraisa for Tzitzs whereas
: cotton is only D'Rabbanan.

As usual for the Gra -- clever!

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Today is the 19th day, which is
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