[Avodah] Kaddish Yasom

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Jun 30 12:26:26 PDT 2015

What is the rule for when we do or do not say Kaddish Yasom (Mourner's Kaddish)?

>From what I've seen, it is NOT said even if a minyan says Birkas Hamazon, but it IS said when a minyan says Kiddush Levana. It is NOT said when a minyan says Tehillim even as an organized group, but it IS said on Yom Tov after the Megilla (Shir Hashirim, Rus, Koheles) is read.

I do not see any pattern. Does anyone else know of a rule?

Akiva Miller

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