[Avodah] Imposing dress codes on non-Jews

Akiva Miller kennethgmiller at juno.com
Tue Jul 31 20:07:31 PDT 2012

R' Marty Bluke wrote:

> There has been a discussion on areivim about the dress codes
> that some Chasidim are imposing on their non-Jewish customers
> in their stores ... Are there any halachos relating to tznius
> for non-Jews? ... We have various halachos of kedoshim tihyu,
> lo tasuru acharei eyneichem, etc. why would any of these apply
> to a non-Jew? If they don't should we be trying to impose our
> morality (for lack of a better word) on the non-Jews?

There's another point you're missing. Let's say that none of those halachos apply to non-Jews, and that we should not be imposing our morality on them. Nevertheless, perhaps it is okay for us to respectfully ask them not to expose us to their dress codes and their activities. Too often, we look at Hilchos Tznius in terms of how the other person should dress. Too rarely, we look at it in terms of what we should be looking at.

And I say this quite strenuously, not only about non-Jews, but perhaps even more importantly about Jews who are Shomrei Mitzvos but hold differently than we do. So often I have heard women complain, "What's their problem? My knees were totally covered! Why are they imposing their standards on me?" - being totally oblivious to the fact that she is also imposing her standards on them, forcing them to see things that they'd prefer to avoid.

Like so many interpersonal activities, much depends on how it is presented. If there is a perception that we are trying to impose our morality on them, then we are going about it the wrong way. But if we can give the message that we're simply trying to preserve our own standards *on* *our* *turf*, then I see nothing wrong.

Now, for a moment, imagine an upscale restaurant, where men are not allowed in without a tie and jacket. It's not about imposing morality. It's about maintaining standards.

(My apologies if any of this was already mentioned on Areivim. I don't read it.)

Akiva Miller

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