[Avodah] The Main Idea of Judaism

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 21:58:57 PDT 2012

R' MB:
Of more interest to me is how various members of the chevrah go about
identifying the/a central theme(s). After all, we're talking about humans
identifying Divine Will -- there will be no One True Answer. Just many
models, simplifactions whittled down to fit in our own puny minds.
And each mind being different, this means multiple derakhim, each pursuing
its own way of looking at the central problem -- "al pi darko".

I like the Ramchal's formulation (in Mesillas Yesharim 1): "l'kayem mitzvos,
v'laavod, v'laamod b'nisayon."


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