[Avodah] Mechallel Shabbos to destroy a non-kosher phone

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Thu Jul 5 09:23:20 PDT 2012

I had written
>> Well, that's why a melekh only becomes one after being properly
>> appointed by a navi and Sanhedrin. Barring that, he is no melekh. Man
>> malkheio, rabbanon can only work for those who accept that rav's
>> authority, so indeed, the kind of king you make a rebbe into is one of
>> rather limited authority.

RSZ replied:
> It does not, however, exclude anyone who disobeys.

Well, by definition, someone who disobays intentionally is also not
accepting the regularting authority. Furthermore, as R' Micha pointed
out, this will very much play itself outside the confines of TAY

In fact, one primary group that will surely be targeted will b e
yidden who want to leave TAY and become Litvaks or non Yerushalmi,
non-Satmar-orbit Chassidim. Or social adherents who come to tish but
do not accept the strictures of teh community (i.e. American

Arie Folger,
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* Ein Volk, eine Gemeinde – Rückblick auf dem Freitagabend-Anlass
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