[Avodah] What does "Redemption/Geulah" mean?

Poppers, Michael MPoppers at kayescholer.com
Wed Apr 18 17:59:26 PDT 2012

In Avodah V30n22, RAM responded to R'Micha:
>> Rav Hirsch places the "ge'ulah" in the same family as [yud ayin lamed] (to progress), ... Our definition can thus be phrased as "a process for the ultimate revelation of truth." <<
> My problem with this is that ge'ulah always appears in context of being the redemption of a group or of an individual. If it is reshaped into being a "revelation of truth", then I do not know how to apply it to phrases like "he was redeemed" or "we were redeemed". As I'm accustomed to hearing these phrases, they don't concern a search for truth as much as a search for salvation or vindication. <
RSRH al haTorah relates the first three l'shonos to the three aspects of servitude b'nei Yisrael experienced as per what hQbH told Avraham at the B'ris bein hab'sarim, with the 3rd lashon, "v'ga'alti," related to the 1st aspect, geirus/being on their own ("ki geir yihyeh zar'echa"), i.e. the lack of a goeil, someone who would "have their back."  Perhaps that explanation, RAM, is more your speed :). 

> one of them - Go'alti - does not mention any goal or purpose; it only mentions the means by which it will be accomplished. So what WAS the goal? What does redemption *accomplish*? <
RSRH notes this, hence his explanation that hQbH, k'vayachol, made Himself the "goeil" of b'nei Yisrael in order to eliminate the lack of a "goeil" represented by being a geir b'eretz lo lahem. 

All the best from 
-- Michael Poppers via BB pager

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