[Avodah] Drops of wine - also the Ten Curtain Calls

David Wacholder dwacholder at gmail.com
Sat Jun 23 22:33:51 PDT 2012

Groups viciously attacked the Jewish People as being hostile and violent.
Since the Seder is in a sense a victory celebration, it is important to
stress that it is the Victory of Hashem's Glory which we are celebrating.
We proclaim that our motives are not tainted.

What would you choose as the ten main Glorifications of Sheim Hashem in
History - both Past Present and Future?

Ten Curtain Calls SHMO HAGADOL Creation to Ultimate Destination -
>From Ha'askula Hapaytanit shel Rav Saadya Gaon p. 222  (Schoken 1964) -

   1. Creation==Yahh - the name with which the world was created - shorened
   name of potential
   2. Lech Lcha ==Eil Elyon - Avram Level One - all belongs to hashem and
   no Dependence - no sroch naal
   3. Vayeira== (K)Eil Sh*adai - Avraham Level Two -= Ani Keil Shad--dai
   Hithalech l'fanay v'hyeh tamim - no need of weapons to protect Avraham
   4. Shmos = Ehkeh Asher Ehkeh - just as he rescued from Mitzraim - so
   other troubles to come - [similar to Rashi -  even Tur OC 5 means this
    IMHO ]
   5. Va'eira - Shmi === lo  noda'ti lahem - Y**H**V**H  written not
   pronounced - merciful IMHO looks at potential rather than present - to take
   out of Mitzrayim - like Father to his son]
   6. Actual expression pronunciation of Hashem's Ineffable Name - Kohein
   Gadol Yom Kippur - loudly say BSKMLV to drown it out - forbidden in Chu"L
   7. E**Lo**him Stone quarried from Justice and measured in Exactitude -
   Payment Assured, Punishment imminent - with which were given Esser  Dibros
   and entire Torah, in order that they should be a Model and have Yir'ah
   8. Midbar - Tva'os - more than the Stars who are Set , more than
   Mal'achim who come and go, TZIVOS YISRAEL CHAVIVIN MIKULAM - Yisrael
   proclaim Hashem's Oneness (iBN Ezra Shmos 3-15 attacks Rav Saadya on this
   one - it is genuine
   9. Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh - Seraphs and Cherubs - and the walls shake -
   and the House fills with Smoke and Fog [Mishkan - or Mikdash ]
   10. Melech Malchei hamelachim - all the kings will bow and subjugate to
   Him - whereas he himself - Ruler Before the World - then at the time the
   World is around - will be Himself even in the Chiddush Renovation of the

Any suggestions for a catchy tune?
May we capture tthe tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic or is that
forbidden? Has it become Avodah Zarrah Yeshanah?

David Wacholder
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