cantorwolberg at cox.net cantorwolberg at cox.net
Fri Jun 1 10:31:32 PDT 2012

I just came across the following which is beautiful and will make Naso even more powerful.

Rabbi Shmuel Greinemann explains that it was no accident that Nesanel ben Tzuar of Yissachar chose, 
on the second day, to bring precisely what Nachshon ben Amminadav brought the day earlier. He knew 
that each of the tribes could engage in one-upmanship, compensating for and taking advantage of going 
later in line to bring something greater than the other Nesi'im had brought so far. Instead, Nesanel ben Tzuar 
chose a path designed to avoid any hint of jealousy, and to generate feelings of love and brotherhood. 
And every Nasi followed suit. That was what was so precious about each and every offering, warranting 
that it, too, be described with the same level of detail in the Torah itself as all the others.

My two cents: Instead of trying to BE better than someone else, we should try TO BETTER someone else.
In doing that we will be FAR BETTER than had we tried to BE BETTER.

Shabbat shalom.
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