[Avodah] Sfardi Psaq On Matza And Qvi`ath S`udah

Jay F Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Sun Apr 1 06:44:17 PDT 2012

> But Sefardim say mezonos on normal matzos all year, and yet on
> Pesach they elevate it to hamotzi and use it for the mitzvah as well
> as for lechem mishneh

implying, based on standard rules of construction, that they would not
use it for lexem mishneh when it is not Passover.

I once had a Sfardi guest for Shabbath who did not accept my use of
matza for lexem mishneh, so the abovementioned implication seems to be
correct (at least, based on my N=1 sample size).  But then I read the
responsum of `Ovadya Yosef that discusses the matter, and after
reading it I could not understand my guest's conduct, and suspected
that it was based on ignorance.  Yes, accordance to `Ovadya Yosef,
matza, when not eaten on Passover, is mzonoth; but it is not spaghetti
mzonoth, it is the kind of mzonoth over which one should recite
hammotzi if it is used for qvi`ath s`udah.  This conclusion was not
stated in his responsum, but I do not see how it can be avoided.  So I
think my guest was mistaken, wrongly applying a law that he had been
taught, but I remain uncertain, doubly so in light of the confidence
with which the above-quoted excerpt was stated (although my
uncertainty is somewhat mitigated in light of the fact that the author
of the above-quoted excerpt states nearly everything with confidence).
I wonder whether, perhaps, my assumptions are incorrect regarding the
legal status of qvi`ath s`udah among the Sfaradi posqim.  I invite
readers familiar with Sfaradi psaq to analyze the question, and I
thank you in advance for your replies.

                Jay F. ("Yaakov") Shachter
                6424 N Whipple St
                Chicago IL  60645-4111
                        jay at m5.chicago.il.us

		"The umbrella of the gardener's aunt is in the house"

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