[Avodah] Vegetable Peeler: Clarification

Naftali Rothstein naftali.r at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 11:55:49 PST 2011

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 7:15 PM, Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:
> Is this a statement about the metzi'us of peeling or about the definition
> of okhel vs pesoles?

> Eg, there is no way to peel a potato or apple without removing /some/
> of the "meat". And the "peel" of a carrot is arbitrarily thin....
>                                                         I could see
> arguing that the limit of the pesoles isn't defined until it is peeled.
> This would mean that by definition whatever you remove is pesoles,
> not okhel.

> FWIW, using a peeler on Shabbos is one of those things "everyone" (in
> my parents' neck of the shomer shabbos world) did in my youth that is
> now found to be assur.

I think the main nafka mina is carrots because apples, etc. most people
eat the peal and potatoes are usually peeled and (of course) cooked
before Shabbos, so the main ochel which we are discussing is a carrot.
And as you mentioned, the carrot "peel" is very thin so it's not clear
what the pesoles is. Lichorah it's that whole layer that comes off when
you peel it because people don't want that piece and it is difficult to
argue that there is "ochel" on it. Perhaps that is why it is accepted
today to be machmir on this today. Yashar Kochachah.


Rabbi Naftali M. Rothstein
University of Illinois

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