[Avodah] focussing v. obligations

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Tue Oct 4 21:07:16 PDT 2011

On 4/10/2011 5:35 PM, Harvey Benton wrote:
> eg, is it written in nach anywhere that he has to
> provide us with tayku answers??

Teiku means "let it stand".  The question remains unanswered.  The
notarikon "tishbi yetaretz kushyot uve`ayot" is post-facto folk

Zev Sero        If they use these guns against us once, at that moment
zev at sero.name   the Oslo Accord will be annulled and the IDF will
                 return to all the places that have been given to them.
		                            - Yitzchak Rabin


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