[Avodah] Haneiros Halallu - Important note

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 19 06:50:44 PST 2011

The Magen Avraham (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 676, seif katan 2) 
writes that one recites 36 words in Haneiros Halallu (corresponding 
to the 36 neiros, excluding the shamesh, lit on Chanukah).  In most 
editions of the Siddur that we know of, the Nusach contains more than 
36 words.  A copy of the published nusach of the prayer consisting of 
exactly 36 words, which is found in the Siddur Rashban, is available 
at the following link:

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