[Avodah] Singular Kaddish = Incessant Bickering? Time For Another Look

Prof. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 19 01:21:57 PST 2011

 From http://bit.ly/tt5T2I

In previous posts 
this one),  we have discussed the old minhog that only one person 
recites kaddish at a time, and how, in the modern era (circa the last 
two centuries), many congregations abandoned it, and adopted a 
different practice in which basically was 'deregulated', with 
preferences and limitations removed, under questionable 
circumstances. The posts engendered much attention and interest. This 
new, French revolution influenced, laissez-faire kaddish practice, 
was thought by some to be a panacea, offering great benefits, with 
little or no cost.

Time and experience, however, have shown us, that the new way was not 
an unalloyed boon, and has cost us dearly in terms of decline in 
quality of the kaddish experience. Essentially, we traded higher 
quality of kaddish recitation for higher quantity of same. Now that 
many decades and generations have passed, with the wisdom endowed by 
time and experience, it seems only logical and fair that we take a 
second look, and reassess the changes that were made. Were they 
really necessary? Should they be left in place? Or perhaps we should 
returning to the way of kaddish recitation of our 
the singular kaddish.

See the above URL for the rest of this article. YL

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