[Avodah] More Examples of "Minhagim" That Lead to Kulos

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Fri Mar 18 04:59:11 PDT 2011

RYL wrote:
> There is a Shteibel near me that has the following "minhagim."  (Why
> I put quotes around this word will be apparent from what I write below.)
> All of this means that this morning they said selichos without
> tachanun and without Aveinu Malkenu.
> I am sure that if I continue to observe what goes on in this
> Shteibel, I will find other "minhagim" that lead to kulas.

These are not qulos, but tremendous, painful 'humros. Do not think of
Ta'hanun as something you must say, but rather about the tremendous
opportunity to pour out your innermost emotions and pain before G"d,
Who cares. If it were up to me, instead of reciting Psalms 20, 121 and
142 for sick and otherwise afflicted people, I would recommend the
likes of Psalm 6 (ta'hanun).

So that shtieb'l decided to be very strict, in a way that is really
unwarranted, and prevent people from reciting ta'hanun on those many
days. At first sight, that's sad and restrictive, but, except for
never saying ta'hanun at min'hoh, perhaps all other "minhoggim" in
your list stem from the fact that whenever happy days arrive, they are
so enamored, so taken, tht they forget all their problems and cannot
imagine feeling any pain, so they cannot possibly recite ta'hanun.

Perhaps you should ask them whether they really feel that way ;-).

Nonetheless, they should also ask themselves whether they are not
being too strict on behalf of their members.

Purim somea'h

Arie Folger,
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